What to expect?
Our style is friendly and welcoming. The services are traditional, conducted with the beginner in mind as well. Many of the prayers are read in English and a running commentary by the Rabbi accompanies the entire service, including stories, humor, inspirational thoughts, and teachings about the prayers. We offer an excellent children's program during the day services with interactive games, holiday stories, songs, refreshments and more.
Is Chabad for me?
At Chabad no prior knowledge is necessary to experience our inspiring and meaningful High Holiday services to the fullest. People who come to Chabad’s services hail from all different backgrounds and levels of observance. Chabad is a local center for Jewish life. We offer programs and guidance to allow you to nurture your Judaism at your own pace in a non-judgmental atmosphere, as well as pure and simple friendship. There is no membership, so we welcome you to enjoy any program that interests you, whether you are unaffiliated or a member elsewhere. At Chabad we believe Judaism should be fun and joyous. We believe, in the inherent beauty, spirituality and value of each individual, and like to view community as family.
The people who come to Chabad are just like you. They shop where you shop, dine where you dine, and come from a broad spectrum of Jewish backgrounds. At Chabad you are not a Reform, Conservative, Un-affiliated or Orthodox Jew; you are just, simply Jewish. Because we believe that there is no difference between Jews, and labels serve no purpose other than to divide.